
Midgett Realty Hatteras Island Vacation Rentals Logo

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Important Information from the Rodanthe Office

HomeImportant Information from the Rodanthe Office

Your house is managed by the Midgett Realty Rodanthe Office.

Our goal is to provide you with a clean and well-maintained home for your vacation enjoyment. Please report any maintenance or housekeeping concerns to our Guest Services Department at 252-986-6384 as soon as possible so we may be given the opportunity to correct your concerns and make your stay more comfortable.

After-Hours Emergencies

After hour emergencies are defined as any situation that can cause damage to a property if left unattended. If you have a true after-hours emergency, please call 252-996-0135*. Leave a detailed message of the emergency, the cottage name, and the phone number where you can be reached.

*Please note that this number is not answered or monitored during normal business hours.


Dare County trash pick-up for this home is provided on Tuesday and Friday, EXCEPT holidays. Please call us for the revised schedule if the regular pick-up day falls on a holiday. All trash must be inside the trash can and out by the road the day before or it will not be picked up. Excess trash may be disposed of in the dumpster at our office. Please help keep our island clean!

Fishing and Beaches

Fishing licenses can be purchased at most local fishing/tackle shops. Bonfire and beach driving permits can be obtained at https://www.nps.gov/caha/planyourvisit/permitsandreservations.htm

Important Contact Information

For Emergency Medical, Fire, or Police:  Dial 911
Dare County Sheriff’s Office Non-Emergency:  252-473-3444

Important Phone Numbers:
US Coast Guard:  252-441-6260
National Park Service (Main):  252-473-2111
Power Outage:  866-511-9862
Water Outage:  252-475-5812

Medical Facilities:
Vidant Medical Center (Avon):  252-995-3073
Outer Banks Hospital (Nags Head):  252-449-4500
Beach Medical (Kitty Hawk):  252-261-4187
Outer Banks Urgent Care:  252-261-8040

Beach Pharmacy (Avon):  252-995-3811
Beach Pharmacy (Hatteras):  252-986-2400
CVS (Nags Head):  252-441-3633
Walgreens (Nags Head):  252-441-4849

Helpful hints:

All fireworks are illegal on Hatteras Island.

The refrigerator and freezer must be set to the MIDDLE setting ONLY.  Setting it to the coldest setting will cause the refrigerator to STOP working. Allow 24 hours after check-in for the refrigerator coolness to self-adjust. Please do not overload refrigerators as it restricts the cold airflow from the freezer.  

The air conditioning should NEVER be set below 68⁰ in the warmer months. The thermostat fan should be set to “Auto.” Setting it lower than 68⁰ will not cool it faster and may cause the system to freeze up and stop working. PLEASE close all windows and doors when the A/C is in use. Many multi-level homes have more than one thermostat.

Advance Book for Next Year

Love this house? Don’t miss your opportunity to advance book your week next year. We are holding this home exclusively for you through the first Wednesday of your stay. Stop by any of our three offices or call our Advance Booking Hotline at 866-348-9047.