Coming Together To Celebrate The Holidays on Hatteras Island
On Saturday, December 12th, islanders came together to celebrate the 25th Annual Hatteras Village Christmas Parade. An event on Hatteras Island, adults and children alike gathered along Highway 12 in the heart of Hatteras Village to see their friends and family members march through the streets to the tune of some very real holiday cheer.

Kids had a blast collecting candy from various floats and bounced with anticipation as Santa made his annual debut on the last float, a Hatteras Village fire truck.
With a whopping 35 holiday floats, Midgett Realty was honored to take home the win with a tribute to “Finding Dory” and a chin-up message of “#hatterasstrong, Just Keep Swimming” after Hurricane Matthew affected hundreds of island residents’ homes with record flooding on October 9th. Winnings are being donated per the Midgett Realty Parade Team to the Salvation Army, United Methodist Men, Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation and Hatteras Village Fire Department Women’s Auxilary.
Click through the gallery below for images of the 25th Annual Hatteras Village Christmas Parade.