For those of us with a 9-5, those vacation days are precious jewels to be used wisely. With weddings, doctors appointments, the millions of things that happen with your kiddo’s schedule and all of life’s curveballs, you may feel like you can’t attribute those precious days to any vacation worth it’s salt. Well, THINK AGAIN! Hop in the car for a few hours and take a “short trip” to Hatteras Island. With water on both sides we have TONS of salt (see what I did there?)! It may not be a long trip to the West Coast, Costa Rica or somewhere over in Europe, but you’ll still have just as much fun in this multi-faceted vacation destination that causes vacay envy on Instagrams everywhere. Check out yet another reason to head to this little gem of an island below:
Reason #3: Eats
One thing islanders know how to do is eat! Before modern travel was a thing and Hatteras Island had the ease of access via the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge, islanders were largely self-sustainable, living off of the land and only getting fancier ingredients when someone was making a trip to the mainland. Because of this, recipes were fairly simple, but always delicious! With the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Pamlico Sound on the other, there wasn’t a shortage of fresh fish and seafood, and most folks had their own gardens and livestock so no one went without. While you don’t see much livestock around these days and gardens aren’t as plentiful, the original recipes of our ancestors have been passed down from generation to generation. That being said, when you dine at the table of an islander, you’re likely to try something new, and a true local restaurant is no different!
Hatteras Island Dining

Image courtesy of Hatteras Sol Waterside Grill
Hatteras Island dining is always a unique experience. The majority of places are family-owned, and the only chain you’ll find is a small Subway in the village Avon, just north of one of the island’s only stop-lights. Fast food is not a thing here and “island time” is real, so don’t wait til you’re already hangry to hit up a restaurant in hopes of having it in front of you in 5 minutes. Most restaurants are seasonal establishments that pump out business from Easter to Thanksgiving so that they can support their families through the winter, so take the time to enjoy the fruits of their labor and appreciate some fresh, local cuisine. You’ll find everything from delicious pizza joints and the occasional food truck, to marvelous culinary treats and everything in between. If you’re not sure where to go, ask a local! Also feel free to contact one of our friendly reservationists who will be happy to answer any questions you may have about dining on Hatteras Island.
Fresh-Caught Cuisine

Image courtesy of Gila Hodge, 2015 Midgett Realty Photo Contest Winner
If you love to fish, Cape Point is a major surf-fishing hot-spot that attracts anglers world-wide. Additionally, we have some of the finest charter boat captains on the entire East Coast that will happily take you out for a day on the deep blue. That being said, if you’re not about that man vs. nature life, you can always enjoy the benefits of one of our local fisherman’s hard work with a quick visit to one of the island’s many seafood shops. Many times they will steam shrimp for you on the spot to save you some time, which is perfect when you’re on your way to watch one of the island’s many famous sunsets. You can also grab some other fresh-caught goodies and take them back to your lovely vacation home to make use of that beautiful kitchen. If you’re not used to cooking seafood, grab a local cookbook and channel your inner Martha Stewart or ask for some ideas and tips while you’re purchasing your fare from the seafood store. Some things you’ll almost definitely need? Old Bay Seasoning, House of Autry Seafood Breader and butter. Lots and lots of butter.