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Top 7 Reasons to Add Hatteras Island to Your Short Travel List: Eats

For those of us with a 9-5, those vacation days are precious jewels to be used wisely. With weddings, doctors appointments, the millions of things that happen with your kiddo’s schedule and all of life’s curveballs, you may feel like you can’t attribute those precious days to any vacation worth it’s salt. Well, THINK AGAIN! Hop in the car for a few hours and take a “short trip” to Hatteras...

Top 7 Reasons to Add Hatteras to Your Travel List: Shopping

Kids, spouse, work, work, work. Sometimes you just need to get out of town for a while and recalibrate. Whether it be a long weekend, a week, or even two, you don’t have to bounce from airport to airport to get to that ultimate relaxation destination. Hop in the car and head on out to Hatteras Island for some fun on the Cape and some ultimate relaxation that will keep...

Top 7 Reasons to Add Hatteras Island to Your Short Travel List: Scenery

World travel is always recommended, but when the United States of America is where you call home, traveling around the homeland isn’t so bad either. Whether it’s just a few hours or even a few days, traveling around the US is sure to land you into an adventure. One of those adventurous hot spots is Hatteras Island, so check out another one of our top reasons to hit us up!...

Top 7 Reasons to Add Hatteras Island to Your Short Travel List: Adventuring

Traveling abroad is always an adventure, but rummaging around the US is pretty great as well. With so many different types of terrain coast-to-coast, there is a variety well known sites from Times Square to the Grand Canyon that are on most people’s bucket list, but there are also tons of little gems that are within a few hours drive that are perfect for just a week or even a...

Traveling Hatteras Island at Every Age (70’s/+)

Hatteras Island is choc-full of hidden gems that appeal to all ages. When you’ve gotten past the party years and the days of wrangling the kids and what not, it’s fun to use your travel days as an enrichment process and taking the time to learn what went into making a place so special. Hatteras Island is obviously no different. Beyond the beautiful beaches and the clean ocean, and past...

Traveling Hatteras Island at Every Age (60’s)

Family is a crucial part of life, and we at Midgett Realty love nothing more than bringing families together on Hatteras Island. One night in a rented convention hall just isn’t enough time to catch up on everything you’ve missed out on in the past year(s) of your family’s lives. Try a week in a beautiful beach front home on Hatteras Island, and make memories that you’ll never forget and...

Traveling Hatteras Island at Every Age (50’s)

With any luck, the kiddos are successfully transitioning into their next chapter of life as you’re rolling through your fifties. Certainly it’s a struggle at first—battling empty nest syndrome is a very real thing (and one that my mother seemingly had zero problems with), but once you break through that threshold and become accustomed to a quieter abode (or in my mom’s case, throw your hands in the air and...

Traveling Hatteras Island at Every Age (40’s)

Forty is definitely the new thirty. You’re more refined, more confident, you’re 100% smarter than you were when you rolled into your thirties (which we also call “wise”—hence the glorious glitter strands gently forming around your hairline) and you are completely in charge of your own life. That being said, your kids are old enough now to have sass mouth and that guy at the other end of your dining...

Traveling Hatteras Island at Every Age (30’s)

Ahhhh, your thirties: a decade of milestones. For some it’s marriage, for some it’s babies, for some it’s both and for some it’s neither. For some it’s finding the dream job and for some it’s leaving that job that you thought would be the dream. For most, your thirties is a time when you come out of the whirlwind that was your twenties and get slapped by that “aha moment”...

Traveling Hatteras Island at Every Age (20’s)

Some people say your 20’s are the best years of your life. While we happen to think there is beauty in every age, there is something majestic about one’s youth:  a time of freedom, a time of figuring things out, a time of exploration and a time of adventure. Finding your place in the job world can mean funds aren’t as disposable as they are later in life and budgeting...

Top 10 Summer Beach Reads of 2016

Whether you are strolling across the dune solo with a beach bag in tow, or carting loads of gear over with the whole family, one thing you are not going to want to forget when you head to Hatteras Island is a good read. Even if you’re more of a splash in the waves type, at some point during your glorious day of fun in the sun, it’s good to...

Top 7 Beach Toys of the Summer

One thing is for certain, there is no place on Earth to enjoy the beach like Hatteras Island. You won’t find the constant stream of ads that congest other beaches with boats that cruise the shoreline, planes that fly overhead and billboards plastered on every inch of marketable space. Instead, you’ll find quiet seclusion from the crowds, plenty of room to sprawl out, clean beaches and friendly faces. You’ll also...

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